Is A Sticky Site?
you offer information or promotions that have time or money value?
you have content that is constantly updated and fresh?
your other communications efforts support directing traffic to
your web site?
sticky site is one that engages users with many different activities,
but content alone does not make a site sticky. Incentive is key!
Incentives help make your site sticky, creating users who are
loyal to your advertisers branded products and services as well
as your own corporate brand.
Your Site A Local Portal
target market is wired! They use the internet at work and home
on their PC and WAP phone or other wireless device, visiting sites
for information and entertainment. What makes your site different
from any of the other sites they visit? Local content in the form
of business listings, micro-pages, promotions, and other Citium
powered promotions technologies!
Promotions Engine enables you to engage not just national and
regional sponsors, but also local businesses. With businesses
easily listed and indexed, it is fun and simple to search for
a restaurant, theater, mechanic, clothing store, or any other
business in your zip code, area code, county, or other search
criteria. With associated sale, coupon, giveaway, rebate, or other
promotional incentive, why would anyone not use your site!
Will Promote Your Site For You
of biggest challenges to creating a site that is sticky is getting
the word out. Citium's Promotions Engine provides you with the
infrastructure to add content and sell promotions in a way you
never imagined possible. Now - how does the word get out?
and sponsors will help promote your site! Advertisers and sponsors
want their promotions to be successful, and will want to direct
people to their information on your site. Encouraging people to
visit your site through your established or traditional communications
channels will increase the success of your site and your advertisers
and sponsors online information and promotions.